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Post-Europe Orbital Service Station
Welcome. To the Post-Europe Orbital Service Station.
the last station before you leave Earth indefinitely.
Despite an excellent and continually improving safety record
there are certain risks inherent in space travel
at an extremely high cost of pay load.
Because of this it is necessary for the
Space Carrier to advise you that it cannot
be responsible for the return of your body to Earth
should you become deceased on your destiny planet or en route to it.
However, it wishes to advise you that insurance covering this contingency is available in
the Main Lounge.
Thank you.
You are cleared through Voice Print Identification.
The PEOSS and all its crew wishes you a fantastic journey.

By and with the FCDU:
Katja Czellnik, Louise Pons, Iris Christidi, Tatjana Reeh, Sanghwa Park, Dimitri Cacouris, Mirjam Schaal, and Special Guests
Sound/technic/DJ Chris Palmero
Special thanks to Stephan Kallage, the legend behind the legend of WestGermany/NOrthEurope venue in Berlin,
Martin Miotk for filming
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