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by Corentin Skwara

A Théâtre Royal de Namur and Central-La Louvière co-production

Namur 2021


Corentin Skwara sets out to film the Sonics on their European tour in 2015.

The Sonics, the legendary 1960's rock band that pioneered garage, grunge and punk rock altogether, having disappeared for nearly 40 years reform in 2007 after a commercial for Land Rover (of all things) reminded the world of their cult music. 

In this narrative, Corentin (or: Corey) reveals their incredible story, and also a little bit of his own, as he travels more than 5000 kilometres across Europe to get an interview for his film about the seventy-some years young Sonics.

When Corentin came to me with this pitch, I needed no convincing. The show, and its making (what a dream team!), was an absolutely incredible and delightful experience that plunged all of us, as well as the audience, in journeys through time and space, contributing, in my opinion, a little to the history of rock music itself.

More on the Théâtre de Namur website, La Charge du Rhinocéros.

Press articles : La Libre, Le Vif, L'Avenir, La Province, Le Suricate MagazineRTBF

Teaser (FR)

Promotional video (ENG)

Podcast & cover story : RTBF Culture,  RTBF Plan Cult (min 22:45)

Interview with Corentin Skwara

Corentin Skwara on BX1 LCR broadcast


Direction, text, video and performance Corentin Skwara
On set dramaturgy Michel Bernard and  Ilyas Mettioui
Project pusher, dramaturgy Anaïs Allais
Stage Iris Christidi
Music Jeremy Alonzi
Light Jérôme Dejean
Technical genius Nicolas Ghion
Assistance Marie Indeko-Loleke

Produced by le Théâtre de Namur, in co-production with Central – La Louvière.

With the support and accompaniment of/with a residency at : Lookin’OUT, the Théâtre de Poche, the Théâtre Océan Nord, the 140, the La Grange aux Belles, the Centre culturel René Magritte Lessines, the Cie Point Zéro and d’Unités/nomade.

Distributed by La Charge du Rhinocéros.

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